Ehemalige Gastwissenschaftler
Dr.-Ing. Shahin Homaeigohar
School of Science & Engineering
University of Dundee
- Telefon: +49 9131 85-69630
- E-Mail:
Dr. rer. nat. Raminder Singh
Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Klinik - Kopf- und Halschirurgie
Professur für Nanomedizin (Prof. Dr. Alexiou)
- Telefon: +49 9131 85-43911
- E-Mail:
Ehemalige Gastwissenschaftler am Imperial College (London)
Name | Zeitraum | Thema | Institut |
Dr. Giuseppe Perale | 2009 Imperial College London |
Biocomposites for soft tissue engineering | Polytechnic of Milano, Italien |
Dr. Eva Garcia | 2008 Imperial College London |
Knowledge based Multifunctional Materials | CIDETEC, San Sebastian, Spanien |
Dr. Dana Rohanova | 2008 Imperial College London, UK |
Bioactive glass coatings | Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Tschechien |
Prof. Arash Simchi | 2008 Imperial College London |
Electrophoretic deposition of nanostructured functional coatings | Sharif University, Teheran, Iran |
Prof. Mohammad Kadhim | 2008-2009 Imperial College London |
Ceramic coatings by electrophoretic deposition for thermal barrier coatings | Department of Production Engineering and Metallurgy, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq |
Dr. Jose Sanz | 2008 Imperial College London |
Modelling bioactive glass bioactivity and degradation |
University of Sevilla, Spanien |
Dr. Enrique Sanchez | 2008 |
Knowledge-based Multifunctional Materials |
Instituto de Tecnologia Ceramica, Castellon, Spanien |
Prof. James Dickerson | 2008 / 2009 Imperial College London |
Electrophoretic deposition of carbon nanotubes | Vanderbilt University, USA |
Prof. Joanna Ryszkowska | 2008 Imperial College London |
Polyurethane-Bioactive glass comoposites | Warsaw University of Technology, Poen |
Dr. Alejandro Gorustovich | 2007 / 2008 Imperial College London |
Angiogenic effects of bioactive glass scaffolds | CONICET, Salta, Argentinien |
Prof. Monica Ferraris | 2007 / 2008 | Knowledge-based Multifunctional Materials | Polytechnic of Torino, Italien |
Dr. Hussein Sharif | 2007-2010 Imperial College London, UK |
Carbon nanotube-calcium phosphate composites | University Sains Malaysia, Malaysia |
Dr. C.R. Mariappan | 2007 Imperial College London, UK |
Electrical polarisation of bioactive glasses | Philipps-Universität Marburg, Deutschland |
Dr. Emily Fidancevska | 2006 Imperial College London |
Knowledge-based Multifunctional Materials | Faculty of Technology, Skopje, Mazedonien |
Dr. Federico Smeacetto | 2006 Imperial College London |
Knowledge-based Multifunctional Materials | Polytechnic of Torino, Italien |
Dr. Tomasz Moskalewicz | 2006 Imperial College London, UK |
Titania coatings by EPD on medical Ti alloys | AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Polen |
Prof. Mirka El Fray | 2006 / 2007 | Elastomeric polymer-bioceramic composites | Polymer Institute, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, Polen |
Dr. Philipp Imgrund | 2006 Imperial College London |
Knowledge based multifuntional materials | Fraunhofer Institute (IFAM), Bremen, Deutschland |
Dr Monika Kasiarova | 2006 Imperial College London, UK |
Knowledge based Multifunctional Materials | Institute of Materials Research, Košice, Slowakei |
Prof. Yanhui Wang | 2006 | Electrophoretic deposition of diamond/glass composites | Yanshan University, Hebei, China |
Dr. Emilie Bannier | 2006 | Hardness ofplasma sprayed ceramic composite coatings | Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica, Castellón, Spanien |
Dr. Katarina Konopka | 2006 Imperial College London |
Knowledge based Multifunctional Materials | Warsaw Institute of Technology, Polen |
Dr. Sasa Novak | 2006 / 2008
Imperial College London |
SiC/SiC composites by electrophoretic deposition | Josef Stefan Institute, Slovenien |
Dr. Fernando Torres | 2005 Imperial College London |
Polymer-bioceramic composites for tissue engineering | Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Peru (PUCP), Lima, Peru |
Dr. Esther Chavez | 2005 Imperial College London, UK |
Electrophoretic deposition of nanoparticles | CIDETEC, San Sebastian, Spanien |
Dr. W. X. Han | 2004 | Glass-ceramics from silicate waste materials | Institute of Metal Research, CAS, China |
Prof. V. Cannillo | 2004 Imperial College London |
Glass matrix composites | University of Modena and Reggio-Emilia, Italien |
Prof. Cristina Leonelli | 2003 Imperial College London |
Characterisation of microwave densified metal-glass composites | University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italien |
Dr. Veronique Maquet | 2003 Imperial College London, UK |
Bioactive glass/biodegradable polymer composites for bone tissue engineering | University of Liege, Belgium
Currently at: Kytozyme, Liege, Belgien |
Prof. B. Aduda | 2003 n (Co-host: Prof. R. Rawlings) |
Porous ceramics | University of Nairobi, Kenia |
Dr. Richard Day | 2003 Imperial College London |
Polymer-bioactive glass composites for soft tissue engineering | University College London Hospital, England |
Prof. Krish Chawla | 2002 Imperial College London |
Oxide fibre reinforced ceramic matrix composites | University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA |
Dr. Shabbar Atiq | 2002 Imperial College London (Co-host: Prof. R. Rawlings) |
Characterisation of ceramic matrix composites | Institute of Advanced Materials, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Pakistan |
Prof. Ivo Dlouhy | 2001 / 2008 Imperial College London, UK |
Fracture toughness of glass matrix composites | Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno, Tschechien |
Dr. Adel Francis | 2000-2001 Imperial College London (Co-host: Prof. R. Rawlings) |
Glass-ceramics from metallurgical slag | Central Metallurgical research and Development Institute (CMRDI), Helwan-Cairo, Ägypten |