Online FunGlass EU Project review meeting
The 4th Review Meeting of the Centre for Functional and Surface-functionalised Glasses (FunGlass), EU funded project under the H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 scheme, took place on 27th July 2022 online. The meeting was hosted by Prof. Dušan Galusek, director of the FunGlass Center, with participation of representatives of the European Commission, including external evaluators, and representatives of the international partners, namely Prof. Enrico Bernardo from the University of Padova, Prof. Alicia Duran from CSIC Madrid, Prof. Lothar Wondraczek from FSU Jena as well as prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini, Zoya Hadzieva and Marcela Arango-Ospina from FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg. After comprehensive presentations by FunGlass members based in Trecin, the international partners presented also their reports on the evolution of the collaboration with the Centre and their vision for the future of the Centre. Prof. Boccaccini is member of the Scientific Board of FunGlass, advicing specitically the Department of Biomaterials (LINK: ) at FunGlass Centre, and our Institute is in charge of the training of FunGlass researchers in the field of biomedical glasses and composites.