Hanwen Xu
Hanwen Xu
Development of electrically conductive composites for hand prosthesis applications
Betreuer*innen am Lehstuhl für Biomaterialien: Sena Harmanci, Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini
The Sentient Skin project originated from a collaboration between the Neuromuscular Physiology and Neural Interfacing Laboratory | N-squared lab (Head: Prof. Alessandro Del Vecchio) at the Department of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Engineering (AIBE) and the Institute of Biomaterials and aims to develop a custom-made, silicone-based, and flexible sensor capable of detecting posture changes of tendon-driven hand prostheses. The sensor based on a mixture of silicone and electrically conductive inorganic particles, should enable precise angle encoding of the anatomically inspired joints and detection of fingertip forces.