Lan Vu
Lan Vu
Master Studentin
Fabrication and characterization of a bilayered patch for cardiac tissue engineering
Betreuer: Lena Vogt, Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini
Cardiovascular diseases are one of the major health problems and a principal cause of death. One of the most common diseases is the myocardial infarction. The reason for a myocardial infarction is usually a sudden blockage of blood vessels, like the coronary arteries, which leads to a damage of the heart tissue. Cardiac tissue engineering aims to regenerate the damaged heart tissue [1]. This study will focus on the fabrication of a multilayered poly(glycerol sebacate) (PGS) film to be designed as cardiac patch. PGS is a suitable biomaterial for cardiac tissue engineering, because of its elastomeric and mechanical properties, biocompatibility, and biodegradability [2]. The morphological, chemical, mechanical, and degradation properties of the single components and of the layered structure will be characterized.
[1] Jawad, H., et al. „Myocardial tissue engineering: a review.“ Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 1 (2007): 327-342.
[2] Rai, R., et al. „Synthesis, properties and biomedical applications of poly (glycerol sebacate)(PGS): a review.“ Progress in Polymer Science 37 (2012): 1051-1078.