Lukas Königer

Lukas Königer

Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC, Würzburg, Germany

Translational Center Regenerative Therapies
Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC, Würzburg, Germany

Development of an automated method for 3D tissue engineering

Betreuer: Prof. Jan Hansmann, Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini

Three-dimensional (3D) in vitro test systems have emerged as one tool in biomedical research, bridging the gap between two-dimensional (2D) cell culture and in vivo studies [1]. These systems, which include spheroids, organoids, and engineered tissues, mimic the structural, mechanical, and biochemical interactions of living tissues, allowing detailed studies of cellular behaviors such as proliferation, differentiation, and migration in a controlled environment [1–3]. Despite their advantages, the preparation and handling of 3D cultures is often labor-intensive and subject to variability, which can compromise their efficacy and reproducibility. To address these challenges, this project focuses on the development of a robotic enabled Biological Automation (ReBiA) system, designed to automate the complex tasks involved in the development and scaling of 3D in vitro test systems. ReBiA aims to standardize cell culture processes through the use of advanced automation technologies, including robotic handling of biomaterials and cells, high-throughput imaging, and real-time data acquisition. Furthermore, ReBiA will incorporate flexible automation capabilities not only for automated liquid handling but also for sample manipulation, supporting the production and maintenance of transwell-based tissue equivalents.

[1] Urzì O, Gasparro R, Costanzo E, De Luca A, Giavaresi G, Fontana S, et al. Three-Dimensional Cell Cultures: The Bridge between In Vitro and In Vivo Models. Int J Mol Sci [Internet]. 2023 Aug 1 [cited 2024 Apr 27];24(15). Available from: /pmc/articles/PMC10419178/

[2] Joseph JS, Malindisa ST, Ntwasa M, Joseph JS, Malindisa ST, Ntwasa M. Two-Dimensional (2D) and Three-Dimensional (3D) Cell Culturing in Drug Discovery. Cell Culture [Internet]. 2018 Nov 28 [cited 2024 Apr 27]; Available from:

[3] Langhans SA. Three-dimensional in vitro cell culture models in drug discovery and drug repositioning. Front Pharmacol [Internet]. 2018 Jan 23 [cited 2024 Apr 27];9(JAN):334617. Available from: